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November 26, 2010

Creating a Corporate Culture of Super Accountability AND Generosity, by Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

As I've mentioned previously, the best way to build, support and retain a great team is to encourage a generous corporate culture that everyone wants to be part of! Your company should have values that everyone agrees to uphold.
November 19, 2010

Find Your Question, by Executive Coach and TEDx Speaker, Christine Comaford

A few weeks ago, I got to pose this at TEDx San Diego, and the result was mind blowing. I’ll post the video for you very soon, but for today, I just wanted to put this out there and get you thinking. Because whether we’ve achieved great things already in our lives or not, it doesn’t mean we’ve figured out our question – or our answers.
November 17, 2010

One Last Ingredients for Funding – By Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

To be really noticed by the financiers, you need to first create excitement and then convey the long-term vision. You need to demonstrate your ambition and then map it to a plan and strategy for how you will achieve this big dream.
November 9, 2010

Leaders and Followers, by Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

You'll do more good and feel better inside your skin when you're in the right place in your organization--or out on your own, if it makes more sense to be the leader because you can't follow one.
November 5, 2010

4 Steps to Continuously Building Momentum

The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares 4 of her top tips on ending inertia and continuously building momentum to create success.
October 24, 2010

3 Tips to Build Revenue, Attract a Great Team and Continue to THRIVE, by Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

#1 Toss Toxicity: You probably have some toxic people in your life right now. Know anyone who actively hampers your ability to advance? Creates fires you […]
November 26, 2010

Creating a Corporate Culture of Super Accountability AND Generosity, by Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

As I've mentioned previously, the best way to build, support and retain a great team is to encourage a generous corporate culture that everyone wants to be part of! Your company should have values that everyone agrees to uphold.
November 19, 2010

Find Your Question, by Executive Coach and TEDx Speaker, Christine Comaford

A few weeks ago, I got to pose this at TEDx San Diego, and the result was mind blowing. I’ll post the video for you very soon, but for today, I just wanted to put this out there and get you thinking. Because whether we’ve achieved great things already in our lives or not, it doesn’t mean we’ve figured out our question – or our answers.
November 17, 2010

One Last Ingredients for Funding – By Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

To be really noticed by the financiers, you need to first create excitement and then convey the long-term vision. You need to demonstrate your ambition and then map it to a plan and strategy for how you will achieve this big dream.
November 9, 2010

Leaders and Followers, by Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

You'll do more good and feel better inside your skin when you're in the right place in your organization--or out on your own, if it makes more sense to be the leader because you can't follow one.
November 5, 2010

4 Steps to Continuously Building Momentum

The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares 4 of her top tips on ending inertia and continuously building momentum to create success.
October 24, 2010

3 Tips to Build Revenue, Attract a Great Team and Continue to THRIVE, by Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

#1 Toss Toxicity: You probably have some toxic people in your life right now. Know anyone who actively hampers your ability to advance? Creates fires you […]