My BEST advice as an Executive Mentor – 3 Steps to BUILD MOMENTUM!
October 18, 2010
How to Recruit STARs
November 1, 2010#1 Toss Toxicity: You probably have some toxic people in your life right now. Know anyone who actively hampers your ability to advance? Creates fires you have to waste time stamping out? Release those people to the universe! They are a DISTRACTION from what you need to do to build revenue and a better life.
#2 Pump Up the Positive: Use only positives when you talk to yourself about your goals. Negative self-talk fosters a negative self-image, which results in negative behaviors. Accentuate the positive by reading and re-reading inspiring books. Listen to uplifting, motivating CDs in your car. Surround yourself with upbeat energy… AND upbeat people!
#3 Log on to the Law of Attraction: You’ve heard the saying, “What you focus on, you become.” That’s the idea of the Law of Attraction. When you develop a clear idea of what you want, focus on it and feel good about it, your mind will consider your wishes to be marching orders.
If you are 100% ready to ramp up YOUR momentum, and you’d like to work with ME, personally, and my personal success-building team, I will MAKE room in my BAI program for you right now, IF you are serious. Being an executive mentor to some of the best companies in the world and teaching my Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution is MY vision and personal success story.
Christine Comaford, The Executive Coach
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc. and Business Accelerator
PS: If you’re just starting out, you can definitely access my expertise through Results Now Webinar – learn more at http://www.ResultsNowWebinar.com. This is a program focused on creating results in NINETY days or less. Scroll to the bottom to see all of our Fast Action Bonuses too.