Mission, Vision, and Values
Our Mission
We believe every company can forge a culture of safety, belonging and mattering. We help leaders to create this, to see into their blind spots, to expand their vision, and to help themselves and their teams to perform at new levels while fostering deep fulfillment in their work.
Our Vision
To help create 1 million SmartTribes by the end of 2023.
Our Values are C-I-R-C-L-E

Communication – We are highly communicative and believe this ensures alignment and connection. We believe any challenge can be resolved with authentic heart-felt communication. When in doubt, we over-communicate so all know what is expected and what we need.

Integrity – Our word is our bond. We make and keep our commitments, communicating in advance if we’ll be late, and always being a reliable trusted team member. Others don’t need to check on us—we consistently deliver on time and per our commitments. We walk our walk and talk our talk. We model what we train and coach on. We focus on details and deliver accurate work.

Reflection – We make the time to reflect on ourselves, our clients, our company in order to learn how to improve and serve others best. We identify behaviors we want to shift and seek support. When things aren’t going as we want, we look into how we created the breakdown. Then we fix it.

Contribution – We are here to make a difference, to be of service to all we interact with, both outside and inside of our company. We are proactive, we take initiative, we bring solutions and we never wait for someone to tell us what to do—we anticipate and make a difference. We deliver 5 star client service and add value in many ways beyond our scope. We intro clients to possible board members, clients, and add value far beyond the scope we’re paid for.

Learning – We are continuous learners. We are committed to growing and stretching into new definitions of ourselves and our capabilities. We accept feedback as an opportunity to grow, and we then implement the learning we have received. We learn new skills to share with our team members and clients.

Energy – We bring great energy and passion to our work. This isn’t a job to us, it’s a mission, it’s an opportunity to transform and support people who will transform and support millions. The result of our passion is a better world/company/experience for all. Making a difference in the lives of others is important and meaningful to us.