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September 14, 2010

Featuring the Number One Expert in YOUR Niche…. YOU

If you are 100% ready to launch yourself into a new place and to create all of these things, I will MAKE room in my BAI program for you right now, IF you are serious. (And I’ve added new dates all over the country if the West Coast isn’t your thing!) Teaching my Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution is MY expertise AND my best gift to you and our economy.
September 3, 2010

DeTOXIFY Your Life and Your Business, by Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

One issue that comes up a lot as an Executive Coach is “toxic” people. You probably know exactly what I mean and may have some of these in your life right now. They're the folks who pretend to want to help you but actually hold you back or bring you down.
August 26, 2010

The 5 Basics of Capital, by The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares on Capital Raising. Before you go looking for capital to pour into your business, you MUST have the 5 C’s FIRMLY under your belt... Capacity - Capital - Collateral - Conditions - Character
June 21, 2010

Your Number-One Needle Mover for This Week, by Executive Mentor, Christine Comaford

Your Number-One Needle Mover for This Week, by Executive Mentor, Christine Comaford: Here’s my WAKE-UP call for today. Until we admit WHO we are, and aren’t, we can’t move past our limiting beliefs and into real success. Why? To keep it really simple, one person CAN’T do it ALL. (And even if you could, would you want to?)
September 14, 2010

Featuring the Number One Expert in YOUR Niche…. YOU

If you are 100% ready to launch yourself into a new place and to create all of these things, I will MAKE room in my BAI program for you right now, IF you are serious. (And I’ve added new dates all over the country if the West Coast isn’t your thing!) Teaching my Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution is MY expertise AND my best gift to you and our economy.
September 3, 2010

DeTOXIFY Your Life and Your Business, by Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

One issue that comes up a lot as an Executive Coach is “toxic” people. You probably know exactly what I mean and may have some of these in your life right now. They're the folks who pretend to want to help you but actually hold you back or bring you down.
August 26, 2010

The 5 Basics of Capital, by The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares on Capital Raising. Before you go looking for capital to pour into your business, you MUST have the 5 C’s FIRMLY under your belt... Capacity - Capital - Collateral - Conditions - Character
June 21, 2010

Your Number-One Needle Mover for This Week, by Executive Mentor, Christine Comaford

Your Number-One Needle Mover for This Week, by Executive Mentor, Christine Comaford: Here’s my WAKE-UP call for today. Until we admit WHO we are, and aren’t, we can’t move past our limiting beliefs and into real success. Why? To keep it really simple, one person CAN’T do it ALL. (And even if you could, would you want to?)