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January 14, 2010

Step #3 on Networking Basics from The 7 Figure Business Builder

When you’re building your 7 Figure Success Story, this is one of the toughest things for some of us to master, but it’s VITAL. If you have trouble with this, you might want to attend my personal mentoring weekend and get my personal attention AND the attention of 19 other rockin’ CEOs. Because NOT having this step at work in your life and business will be a dead end to your success. http://www.MightyVentures.com/bai
January 13, 2010

Step #2 in Networking Basics from The 7 Figure Business Builder

Here’s another tool for Networking Basics. Remember, there’s no wiggle room on these if you want to create REAL relationships and REAL results now. Being The 7 Figure Business Builder is full throttle, believe me, but I STILL make time to practice these principals of networking everyday. So rock on CEOs and entrepreneurs!
January 11, 2010

How to Make Networking WORK for You!

Well, the cat’s out of the bag. The #1 ways to find new clients and business are networking and word of mouth – what does that boil down to? RELATIONSHIPS. Before we really get into networking, we need to talk about emotional equity. Emotional equity is when others care so much about you that they take your goals and desires personally. They want to help you get what you want. Here’s the formula to create emotional equity and a 7 Figure Business.
January 10, 2010

The Last Two Ingredients for a Rockin’ Business Plan For 7 Figure Success

Here’s the last two ingredients for your 10-step Business Plan. Spend the time it takes to complete all ten of these items—do the best you can, but get it done. Bear in mind that the structure of your business will change over time, too. So be willing to adjust, shift, and move with the market changes, new technology, etc.
January 9, 2010

Business Plan Continued – 3 More Steps to 7 Figure Success

Okay, if you have followed this line of blogs and you’re taking notes, the next three pieces of a successful Business Plan are Product, Defensiblity and Competition. With these three things in place, you’re solidly on your way to gaining the financing you need and creating your 7 Figure Success Story.
January 4, 2010

3 Success Steps to Systemizing Your Business

It's 2010, and there's an ABUNDANCE of "new" messages out there about "new" goals and new opportunities. But without some tried and true basics in place, nothing will be new. Below find my three TOP success steps to systemizing your business. These are the launching pad for a 7 Figure Business and 7 Figure Success. Be sure to get my free CD also and become part of my easily accessible $97 / month video mentoring. My CD comes with a free two-week trial as well. http://www.bit.ly/42GZhJ
December 27, 2009

A New Decade and a New Path to Success

A mentor who has built a business or two (or ten) is vital to your success. I have a fantastic mentoring program for all levels of business – and one especially designed for NEW (or struggling) entrepreneurs. Visit http://www.bit.ly/iBmuI to sign up for my very affordable monthly mentoring program AND get my free CD.
December 26, 2009

Build Your List with Leverage: Joint Ventures and Affiliates

Remember, marketing is an ongoing adventure, so be sure you keep this in mind as you build JVs and affiliates. A large part of marketing success is in testing to find out what is and isn’t effective, so be sure to track and measure these efforts carefully to see which bring results now.
December 24, 2009

Creating a Killer Sales Page to Move People to Action

There are MANY ways to run a sales page -- some good and some not so good. Whatever you decide, just be sure to measure how many people visit the sales page and how many become your paying customers. Remember THAT is the only measure of results now that really matters. Everything else is just the groundwork. And results now are what lead to CEO freedom.
December 22, 2009

A Surefire Strategy for Success in Internet Marketing

In the spirit of great free gifts with TONS of value, if you haven’t gotten my FREE CD on the “6 SECRETS to Creating More Time, Money, Freedom & FUN In Your Business," you’re simply leaving money on the table. Click here and let me help you get serious about living a better life and building a bigger success story. http://www.bit.ly/iBmuI
December 21, 2009

Using Autoresponders to build relationships and extend offers

Autoresponders are pre-written emails triggered by a specific event, such as an order being placed. They are a terrific way to build relationships with your customers, follow up on orders, encourage them to use the product they bought from you, give them tips to success, etc., etc. All of this adds up to a more dynamic relationship and of course, results now. Results “later” are fine for the hobby business builder, but for CEOs looking for CEO freedom, it is results NOW that will create your end game.
December 18, 2009

What is Success?

Christine Comaford's self-defined success is helping to build OTHER people's businesses and fortunes. Her success benchmark is moving them from results later to results NOW. To build a level of CEO freedom that leads to success on every level – business, family, health, communities. You see, success is contagious. If you are 100% ready for that kind of business acceleration and CEO freedom -- if you're ready to ROCK your business -- go to http://www.mightyventures.com/bai and grab one of those spots right now. Because for real self-defined success seekers, later simply won’t do.
December 14, 2009

Education-Based Marketing Net-Net

PS: My BAI weekend is the fastest way to ramp revenue and your company’s growth because it’s so intimate (I only take 20 participants) http://www.mightyventures.com/bai - I still have two spots left, and I would love to have you guys there to learn from me, firsthand, how to create MASSIVE growth and avoid HUGE mistakes.
December 13, 2009

Education-Based Marketing

My BAI weekend is the fastest way to ramp revenue and your company’s growth because it’s so intimate (I only take 20 participants) http://www.mightyventures.com/bai - I still have two spots left, and I would love to have you guys there to learn from me, firsthand, how to create MASSIVE growth and avoid HUGE mistakes.
December 12, 2009

Due Diligence 101

This is just the BASIC info – Due Diligence 101 – if you’re ready for real FUNDING avenues and the 1-2-3 down and dirty info on creating financial freedom, you really need to do more than read my blog – but hey, this is still a good place to start. To your ROCKIN’, no-holds-barred, no excuses allowed, SUCCESS.
December 10, 2009

The Big Picture

My BAI weekend is the fastest way to ramp revenue and your company’s growth because it’s so intimate (I only take 20 participants) http://www.mightyventures.com/bai . My CEO Freedom Summit is the next fastest way, with only 200 people there’s less intimacy and attention from me, but there are a room FULL of other rockin’, like-minded entrepreneurs to grow relationships with (think JV’s, advisors, strategic partnerships, etc., etc.) http://bit.ly/5dHdCp.
December 9, 2009

Decide Who You ARE and Who You Aren’t

As 2009 comes to a close, I think it’s time for all of us to make powerful declarations. It’s time to declare who you ARE and who you are NOT. For myself, I am a great mentor. But that does NOT mean that I hold your hand. I am taking the time, right now, to declare that I am direct – perhaps refreshingly so. I care VERY deeply about your success, but I am NOT here to validate your excuses or roadblocks.