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December 8, 2009

Value Boosting – Tangible Examples to Help You Get RESULTS NOW

Value is about potential. Potential today; potential tomorrow. The main reason you keep building value in your company, in all the tangible and intangible ways (and as I’ve shown you, the “intangible” ways often do have dollar-values attached to them!) is because a high value company gets the financing it wants on the terms it wants. It also gets multiple acquisition offers at fabulous terms. The high value company gets the alliances, the staff, and the opportunities it wants, too.
November 9, 2009

CEO Freedom Formula – CEO Freedom Fighter Solutions

Millionaire Maker Christine Comaford offers an intro to her free CD on the 6 Solutions to Why CEO's are overworked, underpaid and trapped by their businesses. To get the entire CD and the monthly video mentoring class, go to http://www.bit.ly/iBmuI Christine Comaford is a CEO Freedom Fighter. She is a New York Times best selling author, the CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc., and has built over 140 Million-Dollar Entrepreneurial Success Stories -- wanna be next? Watch this video filled with CEO Freedom Fighter Solutions!