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April 21, 2010

Christine Comaford Shares Her Personal, Company-Focused Financial Checklist

Million dollar business accelerator, Christine Comaford shares her Christine Comaford Shares Her Personal, Company-Focused Financial Checklist. 1. Create A Capital Acquisition Strategy. 2. Contact The Targeted Investors: Try to do this through a personal introduction if possible--this will move you to the top of the stack.
April 20, 2010

Christine Comaford’s Personal Financial Checklist

Many of us spend SO much time building our businesses that we forget to plan our PERSONAL financial future. I learned a long time ago that I don't do nearly as well with keeping things straight and meeting my goals unless I have it all written down on a checklist. My guess is that you do something similar as well. So today, I thought I'd share a checklist that I created that’s been very handy along the way in my entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial pursuits.
April 15, 2010

Scarcity is a Lie, by 7 Figure Business Builder, Christine Comaford

Scarcity is a lie. Many of us are raised with the idea that there is never enough. Why? Because most people want the easy way out. They want to look around and agree to just follow the party line. They think, "Oh that person had a great idea for a company, but I couldn't do that". Well, guess what? That's your inner critic talking... and it's feeding you the biggest line of crapola you can fathom.
April 13, 2010

Aspects of Ownership – Part Two, by Business Accelerator, Christine Comaford

Business Accelerator Christine Comaford shares on aspects of ownership to build and inspire a fantastic team that works toward business success goals.
April 11, 2010

Aspects of Ownership – Part One, by Business Accelerator, Christine Comaford

What is it that makes a team member feel a sense of ownership? Is it autonomy? Money? Advancement? What really engages people to rise up, to […]
April 5, 2010

Pricing FAQ to Build a 7 Figure Success Story in your Business! By Christine Comaford

7 Figure Business Builder, Christine Comaford, on pricing and when you should low ball your product or service. Business acceleration at its best.
March 29, 2010

Spirituality and Business, by Christine Comaford – The 7 Figure Business Builder

If YOU are ready to work with me, I still have a little room at my 7 Figure Business Summit. Learning that your heart can be IN your goals is HUGE.
March 26, 2010

Specific Talk on Funding, by Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder

Christine Comaford believes every entrepreneur has at least one multi-million dollar business inside of them. Her 7 Figure Business Formula has created over 153 multi-million dollar businesses. Learn the 6 proven steps to YOUR 7 Figure Business here: http://bit.ly/ComafordWebinar
March 24, 2010

What Makes an Extraordinary Life, by 7 Figure Business Builder Christine Comaford

Christine Comaford believes every entrepreneur has at least one multi-million dollar business inside of them. Her 7 Figure Business Formula has created over 153 multi-million dollar businesses. Learn the 6 proven steps to YOUR 7 Figure Business here: http://bit.ly/ComafordWebinar
March 22, 2010

Christine Comaford shares Tips on Financing and Financing Sources

Christine Comaford shares Tips on Financing and Financing Sources This week, think about whether a loan is best for your business or if finding investors would be more to your advantage. Begin to outline a business plan that centers around your choice. If you’re REALLY serious about how to win in the financing process, being at my 7 Figure Business Summit is a MUST.
March 20, 2010

Post a comment: Note: Posting a comment or favoriting sends a network update to your connections. You can disable this from the settings page. 0 Comments 0 Favorites This presentation has not been favorited yet! A personal Invitation from Christine Comaford

A Powerpoint highlighting Christine Comaford's 7 Figure Business Summit for CEOs and Entrepreneurs of all sizes. Are you READY for 7 FIGURE SUCCESS???
March 19, 2010

“What’s Your Biggest Investment Right Now?”

Mentoring you to 7 Figure Results is my mission. I have 28 YEARS of building businesses, business acceleration and creating REAL results. Without that piece of the puzzle, I hate to say it, but you can forget about success -- even if you "make it" -- you’ll be tied to your company 24-7-365. That's where a MENTOR comes in. Christine Comaford
March 16, 2010

How do you find funding for your business? Darts? Magic 8 Ball?

From the 7 Figure Business Builder, Christine Comaford: How do you find funding for your business? Darts? Magic 8 Ball? I don't think so. Truth is, if you don't develop a solid capital acquisition strategy, you're likely to get the wrong money at the wrong time from the wrong financiers on the wrong terms.
March 14, 2010

You are worthy – no Fooling.

Recently I was interviewed by Michael Ellsberg for his upcoming book on self-taught billionaires (no, I am not one!). He asked me, as many have before him, what prompted me to become a monk for 7 years. I gave my usual reply, which is that I found the pain and suffering of the world overwhelming. At the time, I felt that if I could meditate really, really hard, I’d somehow reduce some of the staggering human suffering I’d both witnessed and felt.
March 10, 2010

Secret #2 to Attract a ROCKIN’ Team – by Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder

Today’s blog on team building is quick and non-negotiable.  If you DON’T create the right environment, you simply won’t attract your amazing team – or worse, […]
March 9, 2010

Secret #1 to Attract a ROCKIN’ Team – by Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder

This week, Christine Comaford is all about building a rockin’ team. WHY do you need a rockin' team? Because building a 7 Figure Business is NOT a joke. It is where the real freedom comes in -- it creates CHOICES. A 7 Figure Business is a whole different kind of success story, and Christine Comaford uses ALL of her million-dollar know how to offer the REAL goods on business acceleration to get you from here to there. YES? Are you ready for a different kind of life and business? Then watch Christine's video at http://www.7FigureBusinessSummit.com/2010. STOP spinning your wheels.
March 8, 2010

4 Secrets to Attract a ROCKIN’ Team – by Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder

If you’re building a 7 Figure Business, AND the team to get you there, the BEST place to find those like-minded people is my 7 Figure Business Building Summit. The early bird special price ends in less than seven days, so click through now – and don’t forget, you can still bring a friend for half price! That’s TWO of you for $1,497 – unbelievable.
March 5, 2010

Lead Qualification Strategy Considerations Business Acceleration Advice from Christine Comaford

Lead Qualification Strategy Considerations – Business Acceleration Advice from Christine Comaford Here’s the million-dollar question: Does your product and sales strategy dictate an OEM, Direct, or Indirect Sales Model? Lead Qualification can be immensely valuable in any of the above scenarios, but the role of the individual reps, the rules of engagement, and the resulting deliverables will vary slightly, depending upon your chosen channel model.
March 3, 2010

A Foundation to Stand On – Million Dollar Business Advice from Christine Comaford

In a perfect world, we have teachers and mentors that help us establish what we believe in and what we stand for while we're still in our teens and twenties--before we get caught up in the fast-paced world of birthing our own businesses and stomping out fires. But that's not always the way it works.