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December 7, 2010
You: Version 2.0 (or 7.2) – Excerpts & Ideas from Christine Comaford at TEDx San Diego
December 4, 2010
Questions – Excerpts & Ideas from Christine Comaford’s at TEDx San Diego
December 1, 2010
Answers & Questions – Excerpts & Ideas from Christine Comaford at TEDx San Diego
November 26, 2010
As I've mentioned previously, the best way to build, support and retain a great team is to encourage a generous corporate culture that everyone wants to be part of! Your company should have values that everyone agrees to uphold.
November 19, 2010
A few weeks ago, I got to pose this at TEDx San Diego, and the result was mind blowing. I’ll post the video for you very soon, but for today, I just wanted to put this out there and get you thinking. Because whether we’ve achieved great things already in our lives or not, it doesn’t mean we’ve figured out our question – or our answers.
November 17, 2010
To be really noticed by the financiers, you need to first create excitement and then convey the long-term vision. You need to demonstrate your ambition and then map it to a plan and strategy for how you will achieve this big dream.
November 15, 2010
OK, so you've got the idea for your business. By Executive Coach, Christine Comaford
November 9, 2010
You'll do more good and feel better inside your skin when you're in the right place in your organization--or out on your own, if it makes more sense to be the leader because you can't follow one.
November 5, 2010
The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares 4 of her top tips on ending inertia and continuously building momentum to create success.
November 1, 2010
I’ve certainly made my fair share of recruiting mistakes. Here are but a few: 1. Mismatching people and positions or skills and responsibilites. 2. Hiring people based […]
October 24, 2010
#1 Toss Toxicity: You probably have some toxic people in your life right now. Know anyone who actively hampers your ability to advance? Creates fires you […]
October 18, 2010
For all of you who’ve written me over the last year to find out the MOST important thing you can do to continue to build your […]
October 15, 2010
If you’re ready to REALLY move forward in your business, remember that your goals must include specifically what you want to achieve and when specifically you […]
October 9, 2010
The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford Offers: DIY is NOT the way that profitable businesses are built!
October 4, 2010
And if you are 100% ready to launch yourself into a new place and to create all of these things, THIS is where you start. With expert advice from Executive Coach, Christine Comaford
September 30, 2010
The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares her personal 6 month assessment.
September 22, 2010
What is the Empower 180 Tour??? We know what women want, we know what Women need…. Build your business differently! Empower180 tour is a one-day opportunity […]
September 18, 2010
Today’s million-dollar question: What degree of reporting do you offer your board of directors? What has the outcome been? Even if you don't have directors or even advisors, you need to accurately track your business and keep everyone focused on results.
September 14, 2010
If you are 100% ready to launch yourself into a new place and to create all of these things, I will MAKE room in my BAI program for you right now, IF you are serious. (And I’ve added new dates all over the country if the West Coast isn’t your thing!) Teaching my Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution is MY expertise AND my best gift to you and our economy.
September 10, 2010
The Executive Coach, Business Accelerator Christine Comaford shares some of her best advice on SMART Goal Setting and REAL decision making for growth.
September 6, 2010
The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares her expertise and business acceleration insights around goal setting.
September 3, 2010
One issue that comes up a lot as an Executive Coach is “toxic” people. You probably know exactly what I mean and may have some of these in your life right now. They're the folks who pretend to want to help you but actually hold you back or bring you down.
August 29, 2010
Million Dollar Mentor, The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares on how you pitch your company and how it determines whether you get the right partners, favorable financing terms, super executives, and best shot at success.
August 26, 2010
The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares on Capital Raising. Before you go looking for capital to pour into your business, you MUST have the 5 C’s FIRMLY under your belt... Capacity - Capital - Collateral - Conditions - Character
August 23, 2010
It is essential to assess where you are in your life; otherwise one or both of the following will happen. First, you could wake up years […]
August 19, 2010
Regardless of where you are in your career, self-discovery is a key step to check in with yourself and see if you’ve drifted away from your […]
August 17, 2010
August 17, 2010
The Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares the Product Path Worksheet that she uses to coach her multi-million dollar clients. Download and then attend http://www.BusinessAccelerationIntensive.com to fully implement with Christine's mentorship.
August 16, 2010
Business Accelerator and Executive Coach, Christine Comaford: How do I mentor clients to release EVERYTHING that blocks them? One way is to teach them to STOP their thoughts. Why? Because your thoughts are the voice of your ego, and your ego is primarily driven by fear. According to the research of Dr. Fred Luskin of Stanford University, a human being has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day—and 90% of these are repetitive! (You know what that says to me, as an Executive Coach? It says OPPORTUNITY.)
August 15, 2010
Instead of being trapped, consider this: Your past is useful. Look at it, but don't stare. All experience is good. Review all of your answers to the above questions about changing illusions and design another one. Then make it come true. - Christine Comaford, The Executive Coach