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August 13, 2010

If you want to race toward your dreams, it helps to travel light. PART ONE

If you’re going to REALLY be successful, it's time for you to drop all of that emotional baggage. It is hard work, but if you want to race toward your dreams, it helps to travel light.
August 10, 2010

How afraid are you of failing?

I recently shared about how we ALL fail at times, and how getting stronger must be part of your story when you fall down – and […]
August 1, 2010

How do you use the IRS to create ROI?

Today I want to write you guys just a few sentences on team building. HOW do we keep our team motivated? Recognition is a HUGE piece of that puzzle. In fact, even when team members hear us praise someone ELSE on the team, it’s a proven fact that they’re all inspired to try harder. So this week, keep in mind the two IRS factors:
July 31, 2010

Mind Mapping for Success and ROI, by Top Executive Coach, Christine Comaford

Hi everyone – as an Executive Coach in the Fortune 100 for many years, I know that we've all had time when we hit a creative roadblock or had a solution in search of a problem. When I want to develop ideas for a product or service for one of my executive coaching clients, or help them to plan a particular goal, I create a mind map. A mind map is a great way to prime your idea pump.
July 26, 2010

Executive Coach, Christine Comaford – Do You Know What Feeds Your Soul???

Executive Coach and Business Accelerator, Christine Comaford shares more on her "Evolve as an Entrepreneur" series. As a top Executive Coach and the CEO of Mighty Ventures, Christine has coached thousands of business builders to higher revenue, bigger sales, and better business plans and financing pitches. As the New York Times Best Selling Author of Rules for Renegades she has inspired entrepreneurs around the globe.
July 24, 2010

Am I building the business I want to be building? Am I living the life I want to live?

Right now, I want to talk about the meaningful relationships in your life.  How many groups are you active in and how many people do you […]
July 14, 2010

Christine Comaford’s 3-Step Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution – Part 3

Christine Comaford’s 3-Step Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution – Part 3
July 9, 2010

Christine Comaford’s 3-Step Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution – Part 2

From Executive Coach, Christine Comaford: "Yesterday, I offered you guys a radical change to how you lead your teams and your business. Today, I want to share more on how to IMPLEMENT my Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution. I’ll keep it super simple. Three steps."
July 5, 2010

Christine Comaford’s 3-Step Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution – Part 1

Executive Coach, Christine Comaford, shares her insights on evolving as a leader and a CEO and her Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution. The ingredients to this formula? Reveal. Stand. Align.
June 27, 2010

What Does Business Acceleration REALLY Mean? By Executive Mentor, Christine Comaford

What you need to create BUSINESS ACCELERATION is to clear the clutter, drop all of your baggage and get free of it all for a few days and figure out what's *REALLY* important in your business.
June 24, 2010

Planting the Seeds of a Rockin’ Dream Team, by Executive Mentor, Christine Comaford

Whether you want to lead others or not, you WILL need great leadership skills to get where you want to go in life and business. Keep your eyes and options open; sometimes you'll have to pay your dues, but stay alert and learn from leaders around you.
June 21, 2010

Your Number-One Needle Mover for This Week, by Executive Mentor, Christine Comaford

Your Number-One Needle Mover for This Week, by Executive Mentor, Christine Comaford: Here’s my WAKE-UP call for today. Until we admit WHO we are, and aren’t, we can’t move past our limiting beliefs and into real success. Why? To keep it really simple, one person CAN’T do it ALL. (And even if you could, would you want to?)
June 7, 2010

The 1-2-3 on Crafting a Successful Launch, by Executive Mentor Christine Comaford

The 1-2-3 on Crafting a Successful Launch. Executive Mentor Christine Comaford shares her business acceleration expertise on crafting a successful launch of a product, and how to raise the profile of your company. Remember, this is primarily a marketing event - a kickoff party of sorts...
May 30, 2010

How’s Your Baby Doing?

LEARNING how to build THAT business, one that is structured to give you CHOICES – well, that’s one of the MOST important journeys you can take. I’ve been gifted to take a LOT of people down that path and through that journey. So if you’re ready to rock and to raise a baby that can take care of YOU down the road, instead of a lifetime of sacrifice, feel free to get on board. I’m taking my BAI weekends on the road and building communities of business builders all over the country. Because Business Acceleration is not a theory, and it’s NOT a joke. It’s your legacy. http://bit.ly/ComafordBAI