How afraid are you of failing?
August 10, 2010If you want to race toward your dreams, it helps to travel light. PART TWO
August 15, 2010When you think about your self-image – do you have to drag yourself from the mud of self doubt back into the light every time? While that may BE true, I want you to work on becoming a quick-change artist! Do any of these sound familiar? I don’t have what it takes; I don’t know the right people; I’m poor; I don’t know enough. Believe me, these thoughts foster destructive illusions. If you’re going to REALLY be successful, it’s time for you to drop all of that emotional baggage. It is hard work, but if you want to race toward your dreams, it helps to travel light.
The best part about picking an illusion (which could be called a self-image) is that you can change it if it doesn’t work. Some illusions didn’t empower me, so I moved on. Don’t like what you see? Reinvent yourself!
Remember: an illusion is something you use to change the reality around you. A delusion is something that prevents you from seeing the reality around you. And, sometimes you’ll need to be a quick-change artist several times before you get it right; it takes courage and vision to change direction.
Remember that we ALL have blocks – from the top CEOs to the newest entrepreneurs. If you ARE ready 100% ready to bust through yours, then having the right coach is key. I will MAKE room in my BAI program for you, IF you are serious. (I’ve added new dates all over the country if the West Coast isn’t your thing!) Teaching my Mighty Formula for Executive Evolution is my personal passion to turn this economy around, one success story at a time.
Christine Comaford, The Executive Coach
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author
PS: Business Acceleration and an experienced Coach are always the key.