Today I want to talk about the SMART way to build goals. Many of you probably know about this model:
S = Specific, M = Measurable, A = Attainable, R = Realistic, T = Time based
In this model of goal setting, you are compelled to take your ideas and initiatives and create a real PLAN of ACTION around them, at least on paper. There is a problem with this model though, and that’s finding the goals that hit all of these marks AND fit into a business model that will succeed and move your company into an 7 and 8 figure success. For those of you who have barely broken through 6 figures, this may seem like a pipe dream, but believe me, it isn’t. It DOES, however, depend on a successful business model and a product path that has the ability to grow and to change with your client base.
And it also depends on CONSTANTLY revisiting client base. Who you sell to, what their limits are, and how your product answers their pain – specifically, as well as limitless other factors – like market trends. Trending itself is critical – and not easy.
These are areas where having a mentor can make ALL the difference. It can mean breaking through to 7 and 8 figure success ten years earlier than you planned or NEVER hitting a level where you can STOP working seven days a week.
So I want to offer you all TWO calls to action today. One is to FIND a way to work with a mentor. As an Executive Mentor and Entrepreneurial Coach myself, I have several programs to make sure that my mission, to support ALL business builders, is SMART. You can work with me one on one – if you’re at that level – by going through Christine Comaford Consulting at
For MANY businesses, attending a weekend-long Business Acceleration Intensive, mentored personally by me and attended by only 20 other business builders is exactly the right level of mentoring and commitment of time and finances to get from here to there. This event is a small, focused group of about 20 business builders — and myself. We meet for a weekend-long dissection of YOUR business model and your SMART goals.
The second call to action is to stop and look at your immediate goals AND your two year plan. Everything within the next two years SHOULD fit into the SMART way of goal setting, as I described above. If it doesn’t, hand it to a team member and ask them to massage it, or spend some time yourself to do so. Perhaps it needs to be put off to allow other, SMARTer goals to be prioritized.
Knowing when and what to move on and off of your goals is never easy, having a mentor to guide you through this process – and a million other invaluable choices, like funding, team building, advisory board building, product path …
And remember — the REAL competitors that we must defeat every day are fear and complacency. BE willing to invest in your dream and your dream WILL invest in you.
Christine Comaford, The Executive Coach
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc. and Business Accelerator
PS: If you’re just starting out, you can definitely access my expertise through Results Now Webinar – learn more at This is a program focused on creating results in NINETY days or less. Scroll to the bottom to see all of our Fast Action Bonuses too.