Whether you want to lead others or not, you WILL need great leadership skills to get where you want to go in life and business. Keep your eyes and options open; sometimes you’ll have to pay your dues, but stay alert and learn from leaders around you.
Remember, you can’t lead a company until you have an idea for one and have that idea on a rock solid foundation of a great business model (or until you’ve worked and earned your way up within a corporation, if that is your path). As you grow in your current situation, start cultivating your Dream Team right now.
Take some great advice: Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you. This takes guts – but it pays off! And be sure to choose your team wisely – look for attributes of: smarts, tangible & measurable accomplishments, emotional equity, and someone who “plays well enough with others”.
Finally, encourage a “Rockin’ Culture” that everyone wants to be part of. Post values on the wall to empower your team to support one another in upholding the company values.
Gang, I know you’re thinking that you don’t know enough people to help you get started. This weekend, write down TEN names for your own dream team, and begin to cultivate relationships with those people. If you’re not in a position to take them onto your team right now, all the better. Just build the bond between you. Practice what I call palm-up networking here… you know, “What can I do for YOU.” (Instead of looking for something from someone else.)
Extending yourself to those ten people will definitely plant the seeds of tomorrow’s success story.
Remember, if you’re REALLY serious about creating your dream team NOW and building a rockin’ success story, join me at BAI – http://mightyventures.com/bai/. I literally have TWO spots left – that’s it. You get to work with me and a small group of CEOs in person and let us help you design a 90-day plan to MOVE your needle.
Christine Comaford, Executive Mentor
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author
PS: Business Acceleration and a rockin’ mentor are key.