A Surefire Strategy for Success in Internet Marketing
As the new year quickly approaches, I wanted to go over one of the most tried and tested online marketing efforts – the irresistible free gift! I’ve used this many times and had great results, and this is one of the best ways to build your list (which is an immediate fix — results NOW, right gang?)
Remember Rule #1 of the free gift — Be Generous! Generosity should be a key component of your brand. By giving a value-added free gift to your web site visitors you’ll educate them regarding your value, provide them with helpful information, and begin to build a relationship. Your free gifts can be either digital or physical. I prefer digital, for the obvious reasons of easy self-serve fulfillment). However sometimes I like to offer a physical gift too to mix it up. This also gives you a reason to collect the site visitor’s mailing address (see http://www.bit.ly/iBmuI for an example of this).
Examples of free gifts include:
• Audio downloads (45+ minutes) (you can find mine at http://www.MightyVentures.com in the about Christine section)
• A white paper (make it 10+ pages in pdf form)
• Assorted documents and other helpful resources on your web site (see the Resources section of www.MightyVentures.com)
• Email communication that is value-added (such as a weekly email we offer on rocking your business and life, see www.MightyVentures.com home page)
To receive each gift the web site visitor must opt in, in other words, join your email list — so you create the do-not-miss value of results now (which of course, leads to CEO freedom). This is a fair exchange, and it is why you must offer super valuable free gifts. I once went to a site of a time management guru. He had all sorts of cool-looking free resources. So I clicked through, only to be asked to fill in a super long form prior to receiving my free goodies. I filled in the form, only to download my gift which ended up being one measly page of about 15 bulleted items. Yuck! Not high value. Needless to say, he damaged his brand and my opinion of him by requiring me to jump through form-filling hoops for a miniscule reward.
Again, be generous!
Christine Comaford, CEO Freedom Fighter
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
PS: In the spirit of great free gifts with TONS of value, if you haven’t gotten my FREE CD on the “6 SECRETS to Creating More Time, Money, Freedom & FUN In Your Business,” you’re simply leaving money on the table. Click here and let me help you get serious about living a better life and building a bigger success story. http://www.bit.ly/iBmuI