Monday Q&A – Writing a Marketing Plan to Attract VC’s
May 25, 2009Focus on Growing your Business
May 28, 2009Monday Q&A – Mentoring Programs with Mighty Ventures, Inc.
Okay gang – one more for the Monday Q&A. I’ve had a TON of questions about the upcoming summit and where it fits in the mentoring programs Mighty Ventures offers. This should help to clear it up.
Question: My question: Please tell us a bit more about your coaching programs, what they consist of and the investment. Thanks – Randy
Answer: Ok! We have three programs to highlight.
The most amazing opportunity right now is my upcoming Results Now Summit, June 5-6 in
The next program is my hugely successful: Results Now Webinar. This is our four-session webinar where you learn how to generate 1,000+ new sales leads each month, close your sales MUCH faster, get joint venture partners to promote you to 100’s of thousands and get pay-for-performance team members — all while working a LOT less, since you are managing based on needle movers and with the 30-day plan that we help you create. (This program is $497, and you can find details at
The third program is our year-long group mentoring program where we talk 2x per month on a group call, and you have semi-monthly group calls with our coach too. It’s called Business Growth Blueprint and contains 10 modules of all the core training you need to build a solid business that will make you financially free. We have a 2-day, 20 person intensive live training that you’ll do with me, an online community where you’ll make tons of friends and find terrific partners, and lots more. You can learn about this by applying for a strategy session at It’s $12,000 for one year. We offer some partial scholarships, which is why I want you to go to and see if you qualify for one! Otherwise just buy it directly at
For a ton of rockin’ advice on VC’s and financing, definitely join me on June 5 and 6 at my Results Now Summit in
To your continued success!
Christine Comaford, Business Accelerator
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author