Here’s my WAKE-UP call for today. Until we admit WHO we are, and aren’t, we can’t move past our limiting beliefs and into real success. Why? To keep it really simple, one person CAN’T do it ALL. (And even if you could, would you want to?)
This week starts my semi-annual series on Needle Movers – but before I go there at breakneck speed, let’s cover what should be a TOP Needle Mover for all of us. Delegation!
Not admitting our limitations and not delegating enough is a COMPLETE roadblock.
One day, I just had to STOP spinning my wheels and admit it, I was a total control freak. Either I wouldn’t delegate, or when I would, I wouldn’t trust my staff to do it their way. This is not uncommon for first-time business owners — because we feel the company is our brainchild and we’re afraid to let anyone else take on responsibility for certain tasks.
But friends, there’s leadership, and then there’s micro management — know the difference! If you don’t you’ll inevitably alienate your staff and they’ll leave for greener pastures.
So LEARN to delegate, and then get out of the way and let your staff know you’re available for consultation and questions. For this week, before we get DEEP into Needle Movers, practice a wake-up call that we’ve done once or twice before: TODAY, and every day this week, make a list of five things you could delegate, and next to EACH item, put the name of a team member (or potential team member) you can (and will) delegate the task to by the end of the week.
If you find that you don’t have enough MVPs on your team, consider adding a few GREAT human resources! (Like a rockin’ Virtual Assistant, or a mind-blowing pay-for-performance salesperson.)
Remember, if you’re REALLY serious about creating sales, clients, a killer team and a rockin’ success story, join me at BAI – Work with me and a small group of CEOs in person and let us help you design a 90-day plan to MOVE your needle.
Christine Comaford, Executive Mentor
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author
PS: Business Acceleration and a rockin’ mentor are key.