Millionaire Mentor
I recently started to reach out to a few select companies that I think my mentoring could help – especially in this economy. Companies like (hah, you thought I’d tell you?). Well, let’s just say that they run the gamut. One is a casual dining establishment with a huge commitment to a green planet and humane treatment of their food source. Another is a service firm that seems to give WAY too much support at the back end without having a compensation package in place that honors them. And finally, a headhunting firm that has really lost its way, trying to be all things to all people, instead of remaining true to their niche and keeping their brand (and their client base) intact.
Why do I share this? Because having an amazing mentor can lead you both FORWARD and BACKWARD, depending on what’s going on in your business. Now let’s be clear, getting BACK to basics (like in the case of the headhunting firm) is ALWAYS a step in the right direction. But stepping back and looking at the big picture is also important. Stepping back and reevaluating your business model or plan? Another winning move.
After mentoring hundreds of businesses and thousands of clients, the fun in this has never worn off. Now not every client can afford that kind of personal mentoring. But my wish to move every single CEO into success and freedom is pretty clear. So on September 18-20, I’ll be personally mentoring a very small group of business builders at my weekend long Business Acceleration Intensive Workshop. Only 20 participants will get to work with me personally over this three-day period, and I can’t wait to see what happens next for each of them. There are only four spots left, but if you think you’re up to the challenge and ready to make the investment of both the time and the funds to attend ($1,997), go to and save your spot.
Why do you need a mentor? Because there are some things you simply MUST experience as a CEO, simply because they’re FUN: Strategies for Success, Biz Acceleration, Rock your Revenue, and oh yes, balance sheets with LOTS of zeros.
Christine Comaford, CEO Freedom Fighter!
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author