You: Version 2.0 (or 7.2) – Excerpts & Ideas from Christine Comaford at TEDx San Diego
December 7, 2010
My Own Personal Answers – Final Thoughts from Christine Comaford at TEDx San Diego
December 15, 2010Ma is a Japanese term that loosely translated means “pause” – the pause between musical notes – between breaths, heartbeats – the pause between thoughts.
In that space is where we discover our true answers – and our true questions.
Imagine a news feed across the bottom of a TV screen. There’s a bit of news, then some white space, then more news, and so on. Your thoughts are like the news. There are always more! So how do you access the space? The ma?
Close your eyes. Place your inner focus on the constant stream of thoughts scrolling across the TV of your mind. Let them scroll by, do not cling to them or reject them. Now focus on the space between the thoughts, the ma, the pause. As you focus on the white space it will expand.
Get started now. If you simply spend 5 minutes each day seeking silence, within 30 days or less you WILL start to hear it. You’ll start the process of knowing your Question and seeking your Answer. And revealing yourself and standing for yourself – and finding your answers and your questions will get easier.