Step #6 on Networking Basics from The 7 Figure Business Builder
Okay folks. Here’s the last step in my Networking Basics Series. If you implement just ONE of these each week, you’ll be moving forward on your 7 Figure Success Story. Better yet, hand one to each staff member. Don’t have a staff? Go to the local college and hire an intern (paid or unpaid). Interns are an amazing way to add new zeal and new know how to your team.
Okay, here’s Step #6. Do the Drive-By Schmooze! Parties, conventions, and meetings with groups of all sorts are great opportunities to network, but sometimes you’ll be tired, not in the mood, or have too many events in one evening (like during holiday season!). This is when you’ll want to use the Drive-By Schmooze. Be sure to timebox your networking. Decide that in 30 minutes you’ll do a check-in to determine if you need to stay any longer. And definitely set your goal before you go. Determine the number of new connections you want to establish. Remember, your goal is meaningful connections, not simply contacts.
Let your intuition guide you. Stand near the door, in a corner, out of the way. Stop your thoughts. Internally ask to be guided to the people you need to connect with. Then start walking. You’ll be amazed at who you meet. You’ll always resonate with someone at an event. When you do, ask questions about them, such as: How did you get started in your field? What’s your ideal customer? We all love to talk about ourselves, and these questions will not only help you form a connection with this person, but will also tell you how to help them.
Finally, offer your help and follow through. If you can provide help, jot down ideas on the back of their business card, commit to follow up, and then do it. If you’ve had a fruitful conversation and want to take it further, offer to meet for lunch or coffee. People say life is 90% about showing up. Nonsense! Life is 90% about following through!
As part of my own networking effort, I created a free CD for all of my social media connections, with this I’ve offered a free two-week introduction to my monthly mentoring program. This program is an opportunity to implement my 7 Figure Business Building Formula despite the recession, the market, the competition, etc., etc. And definitely feel free to pass this along to the other business builders in your world. I’m tired of seeing people fail (or falter year after year). It’s time to move FORWARD.
To your amazing and IMMEDIATE success,
Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author