Building Clients in a Tough Economy
One of the participants in my Business Acceleration Mastermind Group asked me yesterday how does he get potential clients to spend their funds today when, in light of the economy, they are afraid of tomorrow?
I really wanted to share this response with all of you as well, because this problem is really effecting everyone – so don’t feel awful, it is obviously not something you’re doing wrong! Try sharing with your potential clients this piece of vital wisdom: To get something you never had, you must do something you have never done.
The smartest people I talk to share that they believe the economy is going to really start picking up by June. So here’s the question: Will you be ready? Will you have done the things you must do NOW to be ready and MEMORABLE then? Your potential clients need to spend today in order to get the benefits tomorrow – and so do YOU. If they don’t understand this, or if they are too fearful to take decisive action, then you don’t want them as clients. Really. They will either be excessively high maintenance, which will be totally draining, OR they will constantly be freaking out about results that they aren’t getting because they refuse to follow your advice and take action.
Also, remember to use all of your BEST lead generation / elimination tools. You don’t want to waste time pursuing leads that simply will not become clients! I’ve posted my AWESOME Lead Generation Strategy Considerations worksheet on my Facebook Group – Business Renegades. Click here to join and access this tool and all the great tools in my biz accelerating toolbox.
All my best, Christine Comaford
Biz Accelerator and CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.