Needle Movers
May 21, 2009A Monthly Planning Template to Support Your Needle Movers
May 21, 2009Building a Branded Expertise (and yes, you are an expert!)
There are so many ways to poise yourself as an expert in your field. The first step is, of course, to decide what your field is! The truth is that no matter who you are or what you do, you are an expert at SOMETHING.
Look, I was a high-school dropout, and I became an expert at enough great stuff in this life to become a multimillionaire by the time I was forty years old. Why? Because the one degree I did get was a GSD. (Get Stuff Done.) So take your GSD degree and choose what you know best in this life: parenting, growing fruit trees, building homemade swing sets from sweet young bamboo plants – whatever! And then get yourself OUT there. Publish articles about your topic. Lecture about it. Blog about it. And here’s a great little tip, start a free online radio show to support your topic and share your expertise! You can do that through several different venues, but probably the easiest is BlogTalkRadio. This is a FABULOUS tool for new entrepreneurs to feature their expertise, their services and their products. Be sure to mention your websites and ways to reach you through social networking and email.
Finally, I share this tip and ALL of my expertise to support the one BAILOUT that just might work, the self-made kind. New entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our nation, and being part of your journey is something a truly appreciate. I’m excited that so many of you will be at my Results Now Summit on June 5 and 6. There will be many great opportunities to take advantage of and some incredible funding avenues to explore.
Christine Comaford, Business Accelerator
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author
Invest in your success and LEARN your GSD Degree