Specific Talk on Funding, by Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder
March 26, 2010Learn My Solutions to the 3 Things that are KILLING Your Business, by Christine Comaford
April 3, 2010
I don’t want to claim that I’m a great example of spirituality, because I’m not. But I think I’m a decent example of the value of a quest. Having a spiritual practice (I was a Buddhist monk for 7 years and still practice Buddhism today) has helped me articulate my core values: a commitment to compassion and community as a fundamental part of any business plan.
In addition, my spiritual practice has helped me embrace another powerful core belief: People are fundamentally good. It’s true. I believe that everyone is basically a good person when you get down to it; some of us just get confused along the way.
The fact of the matter is, people are either coming from love or coming from fear. If someone’s coming from love, I know they’ll want to help me and be supportive. If they’re coming from fear, a lot of funky emotions enter into the picture.
But when I hold onto the belief that people are fundamentally good, it’s easier to deal with them in a more compassionate, less reactive way. Remembering this helps me avoid taking everything personally when someone is unkind to me. And in business, like in life, that’s just part of the deal sometimes.
A little disclaimer here: I’m not advocating that you follow my spiritual path, or any spiritual path, for that matter. But I do recommend embracing self-discovery. Find out that matters most to you, then gather the tools that will help you check in with yourself when you’ve drifted away from your unshakeable core and lost sight of your most important goals.
So today, I want you to focus on connecting to your spiritual side. A fun and easy way to do this is by listening to your intuition. Intuition is about paying attention. And paying attention to that small, still voice within will lead you down the right path more times than not. So have fun with it!
This week, I spoke at Guerilla Business School, and over SIXTY business builders signed up for my 7 Figure Business Summit. And while I AM an amazing business builder, I’m always a little suspicious that the connection is more than business – (no kidding, right). Yes, it’s about the 145+ 7 figure businesses I’ve helped to build – but it’s ALSO about the spirituality that I KNOW and ACKNOWLEDGE is part of our life’s path, and thus, part of how (and why) we build our own businesses.
For myself, of course, I simply don’t believe you CAN rock your business unless you learn how to rock your life!
* If YOU are ready to work with me, I still have a little room at my 7 Figure Business Summit. THIS event is happening in only FOUR WEEKS. 4/30-5/2. So hurry! Get your seats RIGHT NOW. You can still come for the early-bird price of $997 AND bring a friend for half price. (That’s MY recession buster.)
IF you cannot attend my Summit for any reason, then by all means, grab my Results Now Webinar and get started – but I think you should ALL be at that Summit and give me a chance to see you and hear the extraordinary life that YOU want to build.
To your amazing and IMMEDIATE 7 Figure Success,
Christine Comaford, 7 Figure Business Builder
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author of Rules for Renegades
Christine Comaford believes every entrepreneur has at least one multi-million dollar business inside of them. Her 7 Figure Business Formula has created over 153 multi-million dollar businesses. Learn the 6 proven steps to YOUR 7 Figure Business here: http://bit.ly/ComafordWebinar