In our nation — THE land of opportunity — a business fails every SIXTY SECONDS. We launch more success stories, and more failures than anywhere else in the world. AND THAT MAKES ME HAPPY! Happy? Yes, because people are taking risks to change their lives. But of course, I want you to be one of the success stories. A 7 Figure Success Story, to be specific. Because when you hit THAT level, you’ve built a business you can sell. And how do you HIT that level? You practice business acceleration! And you learn to practice that from The 7 Figure Business Builder — me! Watch this video to learn the ingredients to my 7 Figure Business Formula. Want more training (and who wouldn’t)? Join my monthly video mentoring site — hugely affordable at $99 a month. THIS is how I support new start-up entrepreneurs — or those entreperenurs who simply can’t leave their businesses to work with me in person in San Francisco.
To your amazing and IMMEDIATE success,
Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author
PS: In the spirit of great free gifts, if you have not gotten my FREE CD on building a 7 Figure Business, you’re missing a vital key to your 7 Figure Success Story.