Powerlessness Sucks
Well, I’ve been promising you some more personal insights, and today I deliver on that promise. I have a rockin’ team, believe me. Building my team took time and a lot of awareness. It won’t be a surprise to any of you that I deeply value every member of that team and mentor most of them through my BAI and BGB programs.
One of them, however, steadily declines all of my mentoring invitations. It’s not that she doesn’t want success; I’ve watched her run herself into the ground moving her business from just a few thousand in profit to a six-figure success this year. (Sound familiar?) She’s often told me that we have different ideas of what success is. (Okay, that might be true. Mine is freedom, choice, abundance—while hers seems to be no sleep, no time with her family, endless worry…) (By the way, I share this WITH her permission – because she had a HUGE epiphany today.)
That epiphany came by way of a family dilemma. In the middle of a strategy call with the entire team, she disappeared. Later she shared that someone in her family had an emergency, and she also shared that she’s the “most together” member of her family so everyone always looks to her to fix things. She ended our discussion with a beautiful, heartfelt, honest comment: “Powerlessness SUCKS.”
And everything clicked for me. This beloved member of my team doesn’t realize where she is and who she is. She is certainly not powerless. Listen closely gang, a LOT of this stuff goes into a “personal development” arena, and that is NOT who I am or what I do. But being powerless your whole life, or part of your life, or in certain areas of your life, has NOTHING to do with your business. Hear me on this, friends: There are always going to be distractions. DO IT ANYWAY.
We at Mighty Ventures are all about CHOICE. Choice comes from following a *proven* formula to build your multi-million dollar business so you don’t have to waste time, money, energy and totally burn out on your path to financial freedom. Choice also comes from staying balanced, from remembering everything is an illusion. Everything. So be SURE to pick one that’s empowering, and while you’re at it, resign as General Manager of the Universe. Will everything get better? Nope. Will you suddenly solve all of the problems in your life? Nope. But what you WILL do is take control of your mental and emotional state – and please believe me, THAT will make a difference EVERYWHERE else.
I’m not saying you might not need some personal development—I am perpetually growing and learning how to be a better Christine. I’m just saying that while you spend the next ten years doing that, do THIS now. Read my book Rules for Renegades (or at least download and read the first free chapter here: http://rulesforrenegades.com/inside.html ) and if you’re up for building a 7 Figure Business, go to http://www.7FigureBusinessFormula.com for some help.
You always have CHOICE. Choice ensures you always have POWER. Please remember this.
Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author of Rules for Renegades
PS: Join me AND my rockin’ team at my 7 Figure Business Summit in April. http://www.7FigureBusinessSummit.com