Networking BASICS from The 7 Figure Business Builder
Networking Basics is a good time to consider your handshake. Pay attention to it for just one day. For a 7 Figure Business Builder, you can’t afford to have this important tool left out of your repertoire. Do you look the person in the eye when shaking hands with them, is your grip firm, confident, are you smiling? Are you sincerely pleased to meet them? To me, people are like presents. You don’t know what’s inside, initially, it takes some time and effort to discover the gift that they are.
Even if you already know someone, do you know all aspects of them? Of course not. We’re all constantly growing and evolving. Think about this the next time you greet someone. You’ll be judged by the sincerity of your handshake. Show the person they matter. Be genuinely interested in them.
This is still part of Palm Up Networking, but it bridges over to ALL of the other networking subjects I’ll be covering this week (Daily Appreciation, Rolodex Dip, etc., etc.) Stay tuned! And definitely be sure to get my free CD for before they run out. With this CD, I’ve also offered a free two-week introduction to my monthly mentoring program. This program is an opportunity to implement my 7 Figure Business Building Formula despite the recession, the market, the competition, etc., etc.
To your amazing and IMMEDIATE success,
Christine Comaford, The 7 Figure Business Builder
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author