My Theme for 2009
Every year I have a theme. Sometimes I repeat them, if I don’t get it quite right. For instance my themes for both 2006 and 2007 were Acceptance, as accepting people exactly as they are has been challenging for me. Now I’m getting pretty good at it!
2008’s theme was Connection, and I’m repeating it for 2009. Connection is the feeling that we are part of something that matters, something bigger than ourselves, something that gives our life meaning, direction and purpose.
For me, there’s nothing more wonderful (and humbling) than helping others to succeed and then hearing their gratitude for me. THIS is my wall of LOVE. Thank you cards from all over the world that keep me inspired and moving. (Thanks to everyone, by the way, for a great 2008, and good luck to everybody for a ROCKIN’ 2009!!!)
Okay, back to connecting… Where and How to Connect:
Edward (”Ned”) Hallowell says we need to connect to 12 areas of life:
Family of origin
Immediate family
Friends and community
Work and activities
Appreciation of beauty
Nature and special places
Pets and other animals
Ideas and information
Institutions and organizations
Greater truth and spiritual faith
In the Cool Resources section of my book’s web site is the “Seeking Balance via Connection” worksheet. You’ll find it under Rule 9: Resign as the General Manager of the Universe. This worksheet will guide you through a series of questions to help gauge/improve your level of connection in all 12 areas.
My fave book on the topic is CONNECT: 12 Vital Ties That Open Your Heart, Lengthen Your Life, and Deepen Your Soul.
Why did I choose the theme of Connection? Because it’s VERY easy to get (or feel) disconnected – even for me. Last year, after a grueling 5 month book tour that took me to dozens of cities in 3 countries delivering over 100 speeches, I became robotic, irritable and exhausted – not much fun, that’s for sure. This year I’ve been reconnecting, along with vowing to never work that hard again.
Let’s Connect!
If we know one another then we’re probably already connected on LinkedIn. If we don’t know one another, find me there, or we can connect on Facebook. (Feel free to join my Facebook Group, Business Renegades – And if you want to connect in person, you can sign up for our free Rules for Renegades Summit, to be held this summer in San Francisco, CA on June 5-7.Stay in the loop for info on the ’09 Summit by signing up for my Mighty Newsletter (at and get a TON of rockin’ tips to support your success along the way!
Seems to me that the greatest challenges, pain, crises, wars, outbursts of violence, (fill in the blank) are the direct result of dis-connection. Something to think about…
How connected are you? Take five minutes to hit my links and start connecting.
All the best, Christine Comaford