Conscious Leaders Tribe

And conscious leaders are very, very successful both financially and in personal fulfillment and happiness.

Are you a Conscious Leader? (Or do you want to be?)

Join the Conscious Leaders Tribe (CLT) today.

What is the CLT?

The CLT is a community of like-minded professionals who embrace the Conscious Leadership philosophy and want to connect with other leaders with similar values, experiences and challenges, in a forum of open collaboration and learning. Leaders will learn to improve their…

  • Ability to be present with themselves, with others, in any situation
  • Focus, significantly
  • Energy levels
  • Inner peace—regardless of what is happening outside
  • Ability to navigate change and conflict with clarity and ease
  • Ability to communicate and to engage, enroll, align their teams

A few things to keep in mind:

  • CLT members are expected to maintain confidentiality, so leaders can feel free to share openly during the calls
  • Calls will be recorded, so if you miss one, you can access the recording

Recording links or online meeting information is for CLT members-only—thanks for honoring this.

Our next call will be December 19th [4 pm PT, 6 pm CT, 7 pm ET] for 55 mins!

Join us!