You will have a rare opportunity to learn directly from Christine
Christine's background as a serial entrepreneur, consultant to 700 of the Fortune 1000 and 300 mid-sized organizations uniquely aligns her to serve leaders across a variety of industries.
These three days transformed my thinking in areas where I have been stuck for years - and I view the investment in myself as the best ROI I've ever received. The environment offers the opportunity to build life-lasting loving relationships with yourself and others. I highly recommend STI's Beyond Your Brain Retreat to any executive that wants to experience their life in a much bigger way than they knew was ever possible.
- Senior Executive, World's Largest Professional Services Firm
Because You Are a leader that is deeply committed to creating something great both outside of yourself and inside of yourself. Because you believe in cultivating people, that how we live is the legacy we leave in the hearts and minds of others. Because you want to be remarkable and you’re not afraid to do the work it takes to achieve greatness inside and outside of yourself. Because you’re worth it. Because you know there will never be a convenient time to go on retreat and you’ll simply just decide to do it, convenient or now.
Because you matter.
Because We Are experts at helping leaders step away from the noise, reconnect with who they are and what really matters. We're the active solution for leaders and their executive teams when they are expected to be highly present, have clear insights, maintain significant levels of energy, and stay grounded regardless of circumstances.
Being at this retreat means you've been hand-selected for a unique experience. Our work crafting this experience allows us to be discerning of who attends. We're looking for leaders who are courageous enough to show up at a more authentic and fulfilling level, who are willing to work to stop the internal chatter that clutters their mind, and to instead direct their mind to envision and create the conditions for a remarkable life and business.
You will have a rare opportunity to learn directly from Christine
Christine's background as a serial entrepreneur, consultant to 700 of the Fortune 1000 and 300 mid-sized organizations uniquely aligns her to serve leaders across a variety of industries.
Our retreat starts at 6 p.m. on Thursday evening, when we set our intentions and clear a path forward for our time together.
For the next two and a half days, we will explore the following:
The Power Of Silence
Stop the internal chatter, direct the mind to envision, manifest, heal; create stillness in others; foster vibrational alignment and create the conditions for manifestation
The Potential of Energy
Feel it, generate it, direct it, restore it, transfer it.
Expedite the path from vision to manifestation experiences
Build Relationships With Benefactors
Identify elemental imbalances and get tools to re-balance; establish relationships with key
Benefactors and integrate resources from them; create conditions for rapid manifestation; clear energy and increase light in the body/mind.
Manifest Your Desires
Express thanks in highly effective ways; foster vibrational alignment with both what you want more of as well as with your higher self and key guides; understand your role in this lifetime and ensure you honor it.
"I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I signed up for the Beyond Your Brain Retreat. I took the plunge since I trust Christine, and I'm
really glad I did. Christine has a unique and fresh approach to cut right to the issue and resolve challenges in a teaching way using both
non-denominational spirituality and neuroscience. She blended different practices and forms of ancient tribal wisdom into a modern,
flexible interpretation. So now I understand how to apply techniques that have helped humans for centuries to connect more deeply to
themselves and others, as well as perform better. You, your team, your organization will benefit from what you learn here."
- President of mid-market Technology Deployment Firm
Registration is limited to 10 leaders I Register today to reserve your space:
Where: IONS Earthrise Retreat Center, 101 San Antonio Rd., Petaluma, CA 94952
When: Thursday, Oct 1 at 6 p.m. 2020 to Sunday, Oct 4 at 1 p.m. 2020
What's included: Lodging, 9 Meals (Thurs dinner, 3 meals Fri & Sat, Sun breakfast & lunch), The Program & All Materials, including 1 Private
Video session with Christine after the event.
What to bring: comfortable attire for hiking, walking, working out, sitting for longer periods of time.
"This retreat has been life-changing. I felt stuck in my life and needed to find my path. Now I feel joyful, energized, and ready to lovingly welcome what comes next with a grateful heart. I will continue to do this work with Christine as long as it's available to me. And I hope that is the rest of my life!"
- Technology HR Business Partner