SmartTribes Playbook Complete Edition

SmartTribes Playbook provides proven tools and templates focusing on: Leadership, Sales & Marketing, Culture & Talent. Our resources will eliminate time wasted pondering ‘what do we do now?’


Welcome to the Complete Edition of the SmartTribes Playbook. Here you'll find all of the resources and downloads you need.

The following zip files contain templates (docx, jpg, pdf, pp etc.) for the full edition of the SmartTribes Playbook including: Leadership Playbook, Culture & Talent Playbook, and Sales & Marketing Playbook.

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Learning Lab

Welcome to the SmartTribes Playbook. We hope you’ll use the files in our Learning Lab to develop your team in the areas of:

  • Leadership: to create the level of ownership, accountability, focus, clarity, influence, and sustainable results that you dream of;
  • Culture & Talent: to create a vibrant culture of passionate, committed, emotionally engaged associates;
  • Sales & Marketing: develop robust and high-performing sales force, to close sales faster, improve sales and marketing alignment and reduce the impact of competitive threats.

If you aren’t yet working with a coach at SmartTribes Institute, please reach out to us to discuss how we can help you gain the optimal leverage from this Playbook and from our team webinars in the areas of Leadership, Culture & Talent, Sales & Marketing. You’ll also see our training summaries in the SmartTribes Training Program and Process document. READ MORE - DOWNLOAD GETTING STARTED (WORD DOC) (PDF FILE)

Learning Lab - Slideshare Files

Learning Lab - Audio Files

Learning Lab - Videos